With Respect: training materials for home care & residential care

The residential and home care sector have collaborated, with funding from the Department of Health, to create dignity specific training for the sector. So this month, every care home and every home care provider in the country will receive a free copy of the training materials: With Respect. The previous Minister for Care services wanted everyone who receives the pack to use it and said.

"People who use care services tell us they want to be treated as individuals, they want to be listened to, they want to be treated with respect and with dignity. I'm really pleased that we've been able to work together with the care sector to develop the "With Respect" dignity training materials. I hope all care providers receiving the CD will take the time to use it in their organisations to help them step up to the dignity challenge."

A free copy of the material, sponsored by the Department of Health, was sent on a CD-rom to every care provider registered by the end of October 2009. The same material is downloadable below.

  • Choose the Homecare version of the material or the Residential Care version, as appropriate to your organisation's needs.
  • Open the How to Use this Resource document first.
  • For trainers and managers planning supervision or training sessions, download the Resource Guide and the Training Programme.
  • Once you're ready to prepare the training, use the Tutor's Guide and the Handouts and client Expectation Card.
  • Presentation material is available on the PowerPoint slides for electronic presentations or printable for acetates
  • The key messages are summed up for care staff on the Aide Memoire sheet.


Our resources

Many of our resources are free. We are happy for you to use these resources, at no cost, to support you in ensuring that dignity is delivered, however if you found them helpful, please consider making a donation to help the campaign continue and develop new resources.