Contact us and share your resources

The site has been populated with some resources and information as well as a "Toolkit for Action" to support Dignity Champions in their roles. However, the idea is that Dignity Champions themselves add to the site and the "Toolkit for Action" with information and ideas that you think will help and inspire other Dignity Champions.

This could include details of local and national events, Dignity Champions' stories, case studies, toolkits, reports, pictures, video clips, presentations, news items etc.

If you want us to include your information on this site, need help with the site, have feedback on the site, or suggestions for how it could be improved please email

We will try respond to your emails within five working days, and upload your information (subject to it being cleared as suitable and not submitted for commercial purposes) within 10.

We look forward to seeing this site grow and expand with your knowledge and expertise and hope you find it helpful in taking forward your roles as Dignity Champions.

We can also be contacted by conventional mail at:

National Dignity Council
c/o Derek Whittaker House,
Tunnel Lane,
Off Lifford Lane,
Kings Norton,
B30 3JN