Falls Prevention Summit 2018: Reducing Inpatient Falls & Harm from Inpatient Falls
Event date
Key learning outcomes.....
- Understand the national context and current evidence on inpatient falls
- Learn from the National Audit of Inpatient Falls – and understand the changes in the 2017 Round 2 Audit
- Demonstrate monitoring and improvement against the NICE national quality standard
- Improve care for patients by reducing inpatient falls, and harm from inpatient falls in your service
- Learn from trusts who have developed multifaceted inpatient falls prevention programmes that work
- Understand the root causes of inpatient falls, and how to investigate an inpatient fall
- Use tools and measures to monitor falls improvement
- Hear from specialist experts on falls in bathrooms, falls and mental health and falls and medicines management
- Network with fellow falls prevention colleagues
- Understand the national context and current evidence on inpatient falls
- Learn from the National Audit of Inpatient Falls – and understand the changes in the 2017 Round 2 Audit
- Demonstrate monitoring and improvement against the NICE national quality standard
- Improve care for patients by reducing inpatient falls, and harm from inpatient falls in your service
- Learn from trusts who have developed multifaceted inpatient falls prevention programmes that work
- Understand the root causes of inpatient falls, and how to investigate an inpatient fall
- Use tools and measures to monitor falls improvement
- Hear from specialist experts on falls in bathrooms, falls and mental health and falls and medicines management
- Network with fellow falls prevention colleagues
Follow the conference on Twitter @HCUK_Clare #NHSFalls
Email kate@hc-uk.org.uk (opens new window) for discounts available.
Follow the conference on Twitter @HCUK_Clare #NHSFalls
Email kate@hc-uk.org.uk (opens new window) for discounts available.