Memory Book

Craig Healthcare - Dignity Action Day 2019

Hi Everyone

We have promoted Dignity Day through running as series of events at Cramlington House and West Farm Care Centre (both in the North East of England).

Both care homes held Coffee Mornings, Wore Red for Dignity, played Dignity Bingo and got involved with dignity quizzes. Resident's, staff and visitors participated in specialist Dignity Training which included an interactive Dignity Play with staff as residents being treated with and without dignity. There were visual displays including red heart rosettes symbolising Dignity, a number of handouts available to everyone such as a Best Practice Guide, Comic pictures prompting people to think, pocket size dignity cards and dignity Quizzes to take away. A Dignity Tree encouraged people to contribute what they felt was good/bad and made suggestions on how things could be changed.

A poetry competition was ran in the lead up to Dignity Day with entries submitted from residents, staff and visitors.

A number of people expressed an interest in signing up to be 'Dignity Champions' and this is something Craig Healthcare will be positively developing a moving forward with.

The day was finished off with musical entertainment (and more cake).

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