Self Neglect and Adult Safeguarding: Responding to Self Neglect & Hoarding
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This conference which features extended interactive masterclass focuses on the difficult issue of self neglect and adult safeguarding and includes an extended focus on hoarding. Through national updates, practical case studies and extended interactive group work the conference will cover self neglect under the Care Act 2014, meeting the statutory safeguarding guidance, safeguarding people who self neglect: the evidence and what works, developing guidance for professionals when dealing with self neglect and resistance to engage with services, an extended session on hoarding, and an extended session on dealing with the underlying causes of self neglect working in partnership with service user in a multidisciplinary way.
This conference which features extended interactive masterclass focuses on the difficult issue of self neglect and adult safeguarding and includes an extended focus on hoarding. Through national updates, practical case studies and extended interactive group work the conference will cover self neglect under the Care Act 2014, meeting the statutory safeguarding guidance, safeguarding people who self neglect: the evidence and what works, developing guidance for professionals when dealing with self neglect and resistance to engage with services, an extended session on hoarding, and an extended session on dealing with the underlying causes of self neglect working in partnership with service user in a multidisciplinary way.
- A 20% discount is available by quoting ref: hcuk20dig when booking (*cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Full T&Cs available upon request).
- A 20% discount is available by quoting ref: hcuk20dig when booking (*cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Full T&Cs available upon request).
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