Dignity Action Month - Activity suggestions
Dignity Action Month is about celebrating all that you and your colleagues have accomplished in delivering dignified care and support. It is also an opportunity when you can celebrate with those you support, or you can make someone’s day special.
Activity ideas
- A virtual Dignity Cruise
- Use social media & video
- Hold a Digni-Tea event
- This can be having that cup of tea or coffee, you’ve been meaning to find time for, with someone you know , or who is lonely and isolated.
- Have an afternoon tea with those you support, or with colleagues. This can be to celebrate an event, or the fact that you’ve come through another year unscathed, or just taking time to stop and chat over nice cakes.
- Have a Tea Dance – ok this takes a bit more organising, but it enables you to invite others to join in the celebrations. Basically it’s about having afternoon tea to music, you can use records, streamed music or get the local dance school, or Morris Troop to do a demonstration.
- Organise a learning event for other staff to hear about your dignity initiatives
- Challenge your colleagues to do their three little deeds during the month, and then reflect back on how they felt and the impact that had.
- Carry out a Dignity audit on one part of your service and put together an action plan to improve things during the forthcoming year.
- Carry out a Dignity audit to reflect on how your service has improved since last years Dignity event.
- Hold an open day and showcase ethe dignified service you provide.
- Host an internal conference
- Arrange a question and answer session for staff, the people you support or their families and find out what dignity means to them. Use this information to inform your planning for the coming year.
- Make wishes come true.
- We all have at least one thing that we would really like to do, and whilst it might not be possible to grant the wish completely there are little deeds that you can do.
- For example someone might want to visit the beach, but really isn’t well enough to travel, then bring the beach to them. Sand, seawater, shells, seaweed, as well as the sounds of the beach, [and the ice creams / chips / cockles] can all make the wish come true.
- Arrange that helicopter ride that someone has always wanted.
- Make contact with ‘long lost’ family members.
- The list is endless……….
- Construct a Digni-Tree and invite people to write on a leaf what dignity means to them. Or use different coloured leaves to show what is good and what needs to change.
- Use the Dignity Postcards to seek feedback on your service
- Make a Dignity Cake either an edible one or use craft materials to people to represent dignity in cake form.
- Get everyone on a particular day to wear red, symbolising putting undignified practice to bed.
- Organise a special treat. –
- Pamper sessions
- Local trips
- Special guest visits
- Taster sessions
- Tai chi, computing, bowls, music, dance, painting to name but a few
- Use the month to do around the world voyage using food as you travel vehicle, Gateaux from France, Pasta from Italy, Chocolate from Belgium, Cheese from the Netherlands, Curry from India; Spring Rolls from China; Smorgasbord from Scandinavia; Burgers from the USA.
- Organise an intergenerational visit to or from a school, or community group.
- Create a Life Story box for individuals
- Give someone the chance to rediscover or learn a new hobby
- Have a party.
- Put up a dignity display in your workplace.
Capture and draw attention to the initiatives that have been implemented to support dignified care
- Publicise what you are doing to support Dignity
- Publicise what you are doing for Dignity Action Month.
- Utilise your newsletter and website to promote Dignity.
- Use the ASK ME poster to promote dignity and enable you to start your story.
- Tell your friends, family and colleagues about Dignity Action Month.
- Use Social media, create your own on line blog, and spread the word internally through emails and your website.
- Issue press releases about what your organisation is doing to support Dignity Action Month.
- Use our downloadable materials to introduce the Campaign into your workplace,
- Get colleagues to sign up as Dignity Champions.
- Don’t forget to wear your Dignity badge or wristband. If you don’t already have one they can be purchased through our website.
- And if you are able to raise funds for the Campaign these can be donated through our Just Giving Page, or via PayPal.
Can you use your activity to raise funds for the campaign?

We are a registered charity relying on the fundraising of our Dignity Champions - any donations help enormously.