1,000 Extra Dignity Champions in one week!
Dignity Action Day was a huge succcess. Thousands of people across the country took part in events to celebrate and promote dignity in care.
The day encouraged a huge number of new people to join to our social movement - at one point on Dignity Action Day a new Dignity Champion was signing up every minute.
From next week Dignity Champions will be able to upload their photos and feedback from the day to our website so you can read all about the day and what people got out of it.
The full Ministerial Team here at DH pledged their time for Dignity Action Day as did some DH staff - all those who have completed their pledges so far really enjoyed the day.
15,000 people is a powerful force to be reckoned with!
Our monthly bulletin includes top tips for how you as a Dignity Champion can make a difference, you can also read our online Toolkit for Action on this website if you wants action for things you can do.
You can also request Dignity Challenge Cards, Posters, leaflets and other free marketing materials for the campaign which you can distribute locally by ringing 0207 9724007 or emailing dignityincare@dh.gsi.gov.uk
No need to wait for Dignity Action Day to take action - everyday should be Dignity Action Action - have a look at the pledges people made for ideas of things you could do to promote dignity at anytime of the year.
Good luck in your campaign, thanks for supporting our campaign and heres hoping that together we can help put dignity at the heart of care!