Accident Free, Avoid A&E campaign

RoSPA is launching its Accident Free, Avoid A&E campaign (opens new window).

The campaign has a simple message: Prevent accidents, Protect your family, Help the NHS.

They want to keep everyone injury free throughout the pandemic and social distancing measures, to ensure the country is easing pressure on our vital frontline health workers. But, as more accidents happen at home than anywhere else (with 6,000 accidental deaths per year) and with more people spending more time at home now than ever before, they’ve got a lot of work to do.

They’ve developed a new information hub, where everyone who is affected by social distancing measures – whatever their age and circumstances – can find information that is relevant to them.

They are also sharing their resources, including videos, factsheets, infographics and more, across all of thier social media channels using the hashtag #AccidentFreeAvoidAandE (see their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube accounts).

RoSPA has advice and information on: · Young Children · Older People  · Working from Home