Bingo and Beyond
In our recent survey of almost 3,000 Dignity Champions, you told us that of 15 key issues around dignity in care, ensuring people have stimulating activities and a sense of purpose was the 2nd top issue.
People wanting inspiration for how they might meet that challenge might find this recently launched new initiative helpful. It aims encourage a holistic approach to activities in residential homes for older people.
The Bingo and Beyond website is marketed as "an exciting new website providing advice, information and ideas to this sector of the care industry." This resource is targeted largely at managers and activity organisers, but is also aimed at anyone whose life is touched by the care of the elderly: carers, families and residents themselves. It has been created by Rose Fordham, a Dignity Champion, who devoted her entire thirty year career in health and social care to improving the lives of the people she carers for.
Registration on the Bingo and Beyond website is required to allow you to interact with the blogs, forums, polls and articles, and to look at some areas there is an additional registration with a financial charge. The content includes everything from fun to problem solving, case studies, looking after staff, and competitions, with a shop and training modules under development. A special section is available for managers for private networking, for which an annual fee is charged.
For further information please see the website link below. PLEASE NOTE - this is an external website and the link may be slow.