CQC have published The State of Adult Social Care 214-17

Perhaps the important headlines are:-

  • Four out of five adult social care services in England were rated as good or outstanding overall. 
  • Nearly a fifth of services were rated as requires improvement.
  • 343 [2%] locations are still rated as inadequate
  • There are differences between regions with the East of England showing almost 10% more locations rated good or outstanding than the North West.
  • Of the five key question safe and well-led have the poorest ratings
  • Caring was the best rated key question 92% good and 3% outstanding.
  • Community social care services [such as supported living and Shared lives] were rated the best overall,. 
  • Nursing homes remain the biggest concern.
  • Generally smaller services that are designed to care for fewer people were rated better than larger services.

