Calling all champions in Central & Eastern Cheshire
Dignity and Respect is one of Central and Eastern Cheshire Primary Care Trust's World Class Commissioning key priorities. The Steering Group, "World Class Commissioning Dignity and Respect Steering Group" involves representatives from our main providers of service, namely East Cheshire and Mid-Cheshire Hospitals Foundation Trust. This includes:
- Primary Care
- Commissioning leads for older peoples services and mental health services
- Dignity Champions lay representation
- Age Concern
- Human Resources
- Equality and Diversity
- Local Authority representation
To facilitate this process we now wish to identify from yourselves those areas where you think dignity and respect has made a difference, eg:
- Areas of good practice
- Local initiatives
- Personal experiences
- As an Older People's Champion have you made a difference?
Your views, comments, suggestions, ideas will be reported to this group which meets monthly.
If you wish to be kept involved, it would be helpful if you could let us know your preferred method of communication by 11 February 2010 as this will be by letter, e-mail, telephone, or questionnaire.
Contact details are below;
Cathy Fulham
Universal House
ERF Way (off Pochin Way)
CW10 0QJ
Tel: 01606 544498/275282
Fax: 01606 835541