Care providers must meet new dignity and respect requirements
From 2010/11, the Care Quality Commission will register all providers of health and adult social care services against a single set of registration requirements that are focused on the safety and quality of care. Without registering with the Care Quality Commission, it will be illegal for health and adult social care organisations to provide services that are in the scope of the new framework. To maintain their registration, providers will need to demonstrate an ongoing ability to meet all the requirements.
In addition, beginning in 2011/12, primary medical and dental care providers will start to be brought into regulation by the Care Quality Commission. Given the increasing range of services offered in primary care, including minor operations and other services traditionally provided in hospitals, it is important that patients have the same degree of protection, regardless of where they receive their care.
Health Minister, Ben Bradshaw said:
'This is the first time that one single registration framework will ensure that the health and adult social care services people receive will be safe and of a high quality regardless of which organisation is providing it.'
The new registration requirements place a strong emphasis on dignity, respect and nutrition and will become powerful levers to help deliver on the dignity in care campaihn.