Christmas 2023 at Davlyn House

December has been a very busy and wonderful month here at Davlyn; we have celebrated throughout the month.
Our month started with an event to raise awareness and celebrate Dignity. We had a musical quiz, where residents staff looked at music through the ages and then we danced and sang along to the music. It was a magical afternoon where young and older people all came together to share their knowledge of music and also have a lot of fun and Dance for Dignity, whilst raising awareness and funds for the Dignity Campaign.
Our Village Church visited us to share the Christmas Message with our residents and staff. The nativity was the theme, Christmas Carols were sung and the message of Christmas was shared. Residents all participated adding to the Nativity Scene, a beautiful start to Christmas.
A concert performed by The Village Choir was next on the agenda with some of our residents who are members of the Choir, followed by a buffet supper for everyone, we sang all the classic Christmas songs and some songs were acted out by members of the Choir including Rudolph and I saw Mummy Kissing Santa Claus
Some of the highlight of the month included a visit from the Children of a local school who entertained us with a morning of carols and music.
Entertainers throughout the month included a pantomime (Oliver) our lovely Paul who sang to us a Christmas Extravaganza and Smooth music with Richard.
Two Christmas parties with visits from Santa to residents and their families along with all the lovely Christmas activities that our activity coordinators put on.
Another highlight was the Christmas Service that we attended at the Village Church on Christmas Eve.