Commissioning Housing Support For Health and Wellbeing

This report:

§ explains what housing-related services are and what funding streams and national programmes they sit within

§ provides evidence that these services can offer cost-effective mechanisms for promoting health, independence and wellbeing; while reducing demand for costly services.

The purpose of this report is to help commissioners in health, local government and other public services to:

§ increase the positive impact of commissioning on the health and wellbeing of their local populations by addressing housing support in their strategies

§ most effectively meet relevant Public Service Agreement (PSA)targets by building on existing expertise and systems

§ increase joint working between health and local government and other sectors to achieve better services


  • Commissioning housing support for health and wellbeing (July 2008) (pdf - 644Kb) (opens new window)

    Published by Integrated Care Network, July 2008 The purpose of this report is to help commissioners in health, local government and other public services to: •increase the positive impact of commissioning on the health and wellbeing of their local populations by addressing housing support in their strategies •most effectively meet relevant Public Service Agreement (PSA)targets by building on existing expertise and systems •increase joint working between health and local government and other sectors to achieve better services. This report contains: •explanations of what housing-related services are and what funding streams and national programmes they sit within •evidence that these services can offer cost-effective mechanisms for promoting health, independence and wellbeing; while reducing demand for costly services. This publication has been commissioned by the Integrated Care Network (ICN) at the Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP), together with Communities and Local Government and the Department of Health (DH). It builds on the recent guide from the ICN, A Practical Guide to Integrated Working, which is recommended as a companion to this publication.