Delivering Same-sex Accommodation - why it matters and how to make it happen
A Delivering Same-Sex Accommodation (DSSA) Facilitator's Resource Packs has been developed, with input from dignity champions and other frontline staff. We hope it will help you raise your colleagues' awareness and understanding of delivering same-sex accommodation. If we can all inspire just one colleague to take action, we can make a real difference to the experience we deliver for our patients.
Who is this pack for?
This pack is for NHS staff who want to facilitate sessions with their teams or colleagues on same-sex accommodation, particularly matrons, ward managers, ward sisters, medical managers and dignity champions.
The training sessions are aimed at frontline staff, from doctors, nurses and bed managers to estates staff, healthcare assistants, cleaners and porters.
There are two versions of the pack - one aimed at Acute Trusts and the other at Mental Health and Learning Disability Trusts.
What is its aim?
The pack provides resources you can use to facilitate a session in your team or departmental meetings, or as a dedicated training or induction session.
The aims of the training sessions are to:
- clarify definitions and guidance around same-sex accommodation;
- increase understanding of the importance of same-sex accommodation;
- help staff overcome challenges to delivering same-sex accommodation; and
- help staff communicate with patients about same-sex accommodation.
What is inside the pack?
- A Facilitator's guide book
- 12 copies of the Delivering same-sex accommodation 'pocket guide'
How should the pack be used?
The DVD contains all the PowerPoint slides you will need to deliver each of the four modules:
- What is same-sex accommodation?
- Why same-sex accommodation matters
- Overcoming key challenges to delivering same-sex accommodation
- Communicating with patients
You may want to adapt the slides to tailor the training to your audience.
Facilitator's guide book
This guide book contains everything you need to plan and deliver your training session, including:
- suggested script for delivering the content covered in the PowerPoint slides;
- background information you should read before delivering the session;
- step-by-step instructions on how to facilitate the interactive exercises; and
- handouts to accompany the interactive exercises.
Pocket guide
The pocket guide explains why same-sex accommodation matters and gives inspiration for staff on how they can make a difference. As it reinforces many of the ideas visited in the training, we recommend you give copies to participants to take away at the end of the session.
Are copies of the pack available now?
Copies of the Acute pack can be ordered now.
Copies of the Mental Health and Learning Disability pack will be available for order at the end of March 2010.
How can I order my own copy of the pack?
Copies of the pack can be ordered from:
DH Publications Orderline
PO Box 777
London SE1 6XH
Tel: 0300 123 1002
Fax: 01623 724 524
Minicom: 0300 123 1003
(8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday)
You can also visit and quote: 'Delivering Same-Sex Accommodation: Facilitator's Resource Pack'
Please specify whether you would like to order a copy of the Acute pack (available for order now) or Mental Health and Learning Disability pack (available for order at the end of March 2010).