Dementia Report Roints To Unnecessary Hospitalisation
End of Life Care for People with Dementia, produced by Marie Curie Cancer Care in partnership with a number of local and national bodies, says that hospital is often seen as the only option in times of medical or social crisis. But the authors' analysis suggests these admissions are not cost effective and often unsuitable.
Acute hospital staff appear not to have sufficient training and skills to provide good end of life care to people with dementia and carers often have to provide basic nursing care.
On the basis of a detailed review of nine cases, the study calculates average health and social care costs for someone with dementia in the last six months of life are £25,000 with hospital admissions responsible for 18% of this.
It calls for a holistic dementia care pathway in the borough. But it adds that small changes to local health and social care services could significantly improve end of life care for people with advanced dementia as well as providing greater value for money.
To read the rest of the EoLC Newsletter follow the link below, there is also a link to Marie Curie website.