Dignity Action Day 2013

Dignity in the heart, mind and actions
DATE: 1 February 2013

Dignity Action Day 1 February 2013

Dignity Action Day is an annual event that gives everyone the opportunity to contribute to upholding people's rights to dignity and provide a truly memorable day for people receiving care. Dignity Action Day aims to ensure people who use care services are treated as individuals and are given choice, control and a sense of purpose in their daily lives. On Dignity Action Day we ask health and social care workers to promote dignity in their place of work. We also ask members of the public to promote dignity for people in their communities.

Dignity Ambassador, Dame Joan Bakewell said:
"Dignity Action Day highlights a more respectful way of behaving towards vulnerable people. The very old and the very young clearly need our respect, but it wouldn't do any harm to spread the dignity message across the population - then we can all benefit."

The National Dignity Council, through its Dignity in Care campaign, has signed up over 40,000 Dignity Champions who uphold and promote the campaign professionally and personally in their workplaces and communities. We encourage media outlets to continue to report the examples of how the initiatives of our Dignity Champions are transforming care services, so that others can learn from them.

The National Dignity Council's Independent Chair, Jan Burns said:
"Dignity is everyone's business. Whatever you do, wherever you do it - do it with dignity. The Council's mission statement starts, 'Dignity in the heart, mind and actions', so don't just feel you have to do something about dignity - take action now."

To find our more and sign up to be a Dignity Champion go to www.dignityincare.org.uk.


Media contacts:
Jan Burns - Independent Chair, National Dignity Council
T: 07800 807 151 info@nationaldignitycouncil.org.uk
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Liz Taylor - Honorary Secretary, National Dignity Council elizabeth.taylor67@tesco.net
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Jill Fraser - Spokesperson and member, National Dignity Council
T: 01789 488 018 mail@kissingitbetter.co.uk (opens new window)

Notes to editors:
What is a Dignity Champion?
A Dignity Champion is someone who believes passionately that being treated with dignity is a basic human right, not an optional extra. They believe that care services must be compassionate, person centred, as well as efficient, and are willing to try to do something to achieve this. So far over 40,000 people have signed up to be Dignity Champions, all pledging to challenge poor care, to act as good role models and, through specific guidelines issued by the campaign, to educate and inform all those working around them.

About The National Dignity Council
Formerly known as The Dignity Partnership Board, the National Dignity Council meets every two months to exists to shape and influence the work of the Dignity in Care network, and also campaigns for, and supports Dignity Champions. The Council is made up of an enthusiastic group of representatives from various bodies include health and social care organisations.