Dignity Action Day: Put Undignified Care to Bed – on Dignity Action day Wear Red
Dignity Action Day will be on 1st February 2022. Hopefully we will be able to celebrate the day with family and friends next year.
Whilst the focus on the Day is as always about raising the profile of the dignity campaign, and taking the opportunity to showcase the wonderful work that is going on across the our health and social care sectors; this year we also want to use this Day to also raise much needed funds to enable the campaign to continue.
We are asking all Champions and their friends and colleagues to get involved – ‘Put Undignified Care to Bed – on Dignity Action day Wear Red’ on the 1st February we want the whole country to engage with this opportunity to promote dignity and kindly donate to the campaign.
We currently have over 154,000 champions, so even if only half of them donated £1 each this would give the campaign a real boost and enable us to continue to support champions by developing some of much needed resources and target our actions on areas where we know the campaign could change people’s lives significantly.
We are particularly wanting to engage with younger people and adults with cognitive disabilities; continue to support the promotion of equality and human rights, deliver ‘podcasts’, developing a training pack for managers and making additions to our suite of audits enabling our champions and others to be more effective in delivering services embedded with the fundamentals of Dignity - Kindness, Compassion and Respect.