Dignity Badges
We now have badges available for dignity champions who have signed up to the campaign online and would like one. If you are a champion and would like to receive a dignity in care badge please email your request with your name and full postal address to dignityincare@scie.org.uk and a badge will be sent out to you. If you are requesting badges for other dignity champions that you work with you must also provide us with their names so we can be sure not to send duplicate badges to champions. The badges will hopefully help raise the profile of the campaign by attracting attention to those that are wearing them. They can be worn whilst at work to show your dignity champion status or if this is not possible wearing them to events, conferences, training etc will also help. Be sure to explain fully about the campaign to people who enquire about your badge. If you want any cards or posters to help explain what the campaign is about you can download these for free on the resources pages of this website.
Please note you must be a registered Dignity Champion with the national campaign to be entitled to a Dignity champion badge.
Please do not forget to send your full name & postal address to dignityincare@scie.org.uk to request your badge.
Please note we have many requests for bagdes still to be dealt with. You request should be dealt with within 15 working days. Please do not chase up your request for a badge until this time has lapsed.