Dignity in Care Partnership Board calls on Champions to lead the way
The Dignity Partnership Board welcomes the Ombudsman's report that reminds everyone who delivers health and care services that dignity must be at the heart of quality practice and they must treat people who use those services with respect and compassion.
It is a timely reminder that while policies, procedures and standards already exist to support those basic values and principles they are of little use if they do not have an impact on practice at all levels across our sector.
This report raises serious issues about the quality of care some people receive. But we are confident that the network of 26,000 Dignity champions - who have signed up to the ten principles of the 'The dignity Challenge' - will rise to the challenge of stamping out poor practice in health and social care settings.
The Dignity Champions are committed to sharing good practice, using the tools available through the SCIE website and to inspiring others with their own examples of outstanding practice which results in little or no cost to any organisation.
The Dignity Board and its members are looking forward to putting into action a strategic work plan that we are convinced will help address the serious issues this report raises. Dignity must be central in every aspect of service delivery and we will continue to argue that being treated with dignity is a right not an option.