Eastern Development Opportunity - Action Learning Sets For Dignity Champions
Recent meetings about same sex accommodation showed that there is a real demand for more opportunities for Dignity Champions and other interested parties to collaborate and share learning. In response to this, the Department of Health is keen to support people in our region interested in taking part in an action learning set (ALS). Dianne Desmulie (who is the Dignity in Care Lead for the Eastern Region) and I have agreed to pilot a couple of groups in the East of England region.
Some of you may already be familiar with Action Learning but for those that aren't, here is a brief description of what it is and what would be entailed:
- Action Learning is a method of problem solving and learning in groups to bring about change for individuals, teams and organisations. Working in small groups, people tackle important organisational problems or issues and learn from their attempts to change things.
- Action Learning is based on an experiential approach to learning - that is it works with real problems and activities as raw material for analysis and reflection. Action Learning is a simple idea, however it does require commitment and care to put into practice.
- A typical Action Learning set will consist of around 6-7 people who commit to work together over a period of time, typically 6-9 months. Learning sets typically meet every 4-6 weeks for 2-3 hours at a time.
- Each time set members meet, members would have the opportunity to 'present' a problem drawn from their own practice. The group would then help the presenter work on that problem through supportive but challenging questioning - encouraging a deeper understanding of the issues involved, a reflective re-assessment of the problem and an exploration of the ways forward.
We are keen to encourage people from care provider organisations, day facilities, mental health and hospitals to attend. What we need from you at this moment is an expression of interest in taking part. Please email Chrissie Bligh chrissie.bligh@easterndc.org.uk if you are interested in attending as soon as possible. We suggest that you also discuss this with your line manager to ensure their support and agreement to release you to attend. We are keen to start the first group before the end of the year.