Forgive me!

From our Facebook page - Dignity in Action - A very moving poem, the words have such depth and meaning. This could be used very effectively in training.

Forgive me !

Forgive me, if I sit and stare,
And I hardly know that you are there,
Forgive me if my shaking hand,
Will no longer do what I command,
Forgive me if my ageing brain,
Will not respond, and asks again,
Just what it is you want from me,
And why I am a 'misery'.

Forgive me, if my older years,
Sometimes result in thoughtful tears,
Forgive me, if I drift away,
In memories of 'yesterday',
Forgive me, if my 'slower' ways,
Bring you more, exasperating days,
I try to help, I really do,
But all I do, is hinder you.

Just sit with me, forget your task,
And hold my hand, that's all I ask,
Just sit and talk, and listen too,
To what I want, to say to you.

For I am old, it won't be long,
I soon will hear, the 'angel's song',
And then your time, will be your own,
And maybe then, you will not frown,
Just sit awhile, and let me speak,
Before my voice, grows faint and weak,
Before my throat, gets sore and dry,
And just before, I start to cry.

Forgive me, that I ask of you,
Some of the things, you have to do,
Forgive me, for my stumbling walk,
And the slurring, sluggish way I talk,
Forgive me, if I 'ramble on',
Of better times, that have now gone,
Forgive me, if you cannot see,
How precious, - that you are to me !.

Forgive me!.

(Copyright Michael Westwood 2015).
