Gloves Guidance
The PPE guidance on the usage of gloves in care homes and domiciliary care has finally been published.
- How to work safely in care homes (opens new window)
- How to work safely in domiciliary care (opens new window)
It states that 'vinyl gloves provide sufficient protection for the majority of duties in the care environment, providing the correct size of glove is chosen.
If a task requires a greater level of dexterity, an extended period of wear, or there is a risk of the gloves tearing, nitrile gloves are recommended.
Latex gloves which are powder free are given as another alternative but points out that these are associated with increased rates of contact dermatitis and allergies.
A risk assessment for latex sensitivity and allergy is necessary for both the person wearing the latex gloves and the person in receipt of care and support.
See page 11 of both pieces of guidance and the various tables in the first few pages of each.