Have you implemented an innovative idea to ensure a dignified service is delivered?
If you, a colleague or your work place as a whole can demonstrate good practice in delivering dignified care no matter what field you work in we want to hear about it. This campaign is not only about work happening at the centre, the campaign can only truly meet its goal of sharing good practice and giving impetus to positive innovation if you as dignity champions share with us the work that you are doing to improve services.
We want to know if you have made steps to solving one of the many problems encountered when trying to deliver a dignified service,
Have you witnessed care that wasn't quite as it should be?
Did you think of a solution?
Have you implemented a new way of doing things in your place of work?
Has it resulted in more dignified care being delivered?
If so please share your story with others. It doesn't matter if your idea feels relatively small, no changes are insignificant to the people that receive the service. Whatever it is you or someone you know has done, please share it so others know about it & potentially can use & adapt your idea so that more people receive a better service.
Don't keep your ideas to yourself, please share it with the other dignity champions.
If you can help us to bring together ideas that help improve services please do!
Attached is a template that will help you to get down on paper the why & how of the idea.
Please help us share good practice by telling us what it is you do.
If you want to discuss your idea with someone on the dignity team before completing the form, please give us a call on 0207 9724007 or email digntiychampions@dh.gsi.gov.uk