Help needed to develop guidance for Overview and Scrutiny Commitees
We are developing guidance for members and Chairs of Overview and Scrutiny Committees (OSCs), which will support them in reviewing the planning and delivery of local (health and social care) services that ensure dignity of individuals is respected and promoted. Treating people with dignity is integral to delivering high quality health and social care. Issues relating to ensuring an individuals' dignity is respected can be raised within the context of many other areas of work including: discharge from hospital, access to and care from primary care practitioners including GP services, safeguarding vulnerable adults, and general customer services across the whole system.
The project is being supported by the Department of Health (DH), Centre for Public Scrutiny (CfPS),Improvement and Development Agency for local government (IDeA), North West Joint Improvement Partnership (NW JIP), Yorkshire and Humber Improvement Partnership (YHIP), Age Concern (Cheshire), Future Years and two Local Authorities (Warrington Borough Council and City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council)
If you are interested in commenting on or being part of this project please contact CfPS via email at (using the subject line 'dignity in care') to discuss how you can influence the development of this guidance.
We look forward to hearing from you.