Introducing the Valuing People Now Website
On Thursday 9 September 2010 the Minister of Care Services launched the new Valuing People Now web pages. The Event was held at Richmond House and was attended by family carers and people with learning disabilities who were consulted and involved in the design and development of the web pages. The National Director for Learning Disabilities, Anne Williams, Co-National Director Scott Watkin, OGD officials and members of the Valuing People Now team also attended this celebratory event.
The new web pages on the Department of Health website are highly accessible to everyone with learning disabilities and additional needs. For instance, users are able to change font sizes andbackground colours, and with the right software can listen whilst text is read. The web pages are intended to be as inclusive as possible and the main pages have links to short films involving people with learning disabilities and their families. Some pages have been translated to the five main Black and Minority Ethnic languages used in the United Kingdom (Urdu, Bengali, Arabic, Polish and Punjabi).
The web pages can be found at the link below and to further raise awareness Valuing People now has a Facebook page. Please follow the link below to view this page: