Leaflets offer a guide through the Ageing Society Housing Strategy
The leaflets are the work of the Department of Health's Housing Learning and Improvement Programme and the Housing and Older People Development Group (HOPDEV). They address key sections of the cross-government housing strategy published last February and come in a pack, Lifetime Homes, Lifetime Neighbourhoods: A User's Guide.
Jeremy Porteus, National Programme Lead of the Housing LIN said: "Demographic change is one of the great issues facing our society and nowhere is that more true than the accommodation choices open to older people.
"The housing strategy for an ageing society published nearly a year ago represented a solid foundation for social care, health and housing to work together. These leaflets will keep the momentum going as policymakers and service providers strive to meet the challenges they face."
HOPDEV Co-Chair Sue Adams said: "It is vital that we start to turn the ambitions set out in the strategy into local delivery. We hope that this pack will help planners, commissioners and practitioners to make a real contribution to turning ideas into reality and thereby make a difference to older people's lives today and pave the way for future generations."