National Dignity Council Backs the Keep Me Posted Campaign
The National Dignity Council is the 95th supporter to join the Keep Me Posted campaign. The campaign calls on service providers, including financial services providers, utility companies and telecoms providers, to give their customers a choice in how they are communicated with and provide them with the option of receiving bills and statements on paper. It is made up of a coalition of businesses, consumer interest groups and charities, including Age UK and MIND.
Jan Burns MBE, Chair of the National Dignity Council, said: "People who are being cared for want a choice about how they communicate, receive information and engage with service providers such as banks and utility companies. While online communication can be helpful, it can present a challenge for carers who are taking responsibility for others. National Dignity Council is pleased to support the Keep Me Posted campaign so that people can get the information and advice they need in the format that is best for them."
Judith Donovan CBE, Chair of the Keep Me Posted campaign, said: "National Dignity Council campaigns to ensure that those who are receiving care are looked after with dignity. If the choice to receive paper-statements is removed it can result in distress for both the carer and the person being looked after, particularly when it comes to ensuring that finances are in order. I hear concerns from people of all ages, and industries, about the move to paperless bills and statements so I am pleased to welcome National Dignity Council as supporters of the Keep Me Posted campaign."