National Dignity Council News
This month has seen the National Dignity Council launch a draft audit tool (opens new window) to enable individuals and organisations to reflect on where they are in delivering their services with dignity and a very useful audit to help those who are choosing a care service to decide if dignity is at the heart of those services. There are eight different audits available to download from the website. Please use the short evaluation sheet to let us know their effectiveness.
We also held our first National Conference whose theme was Dignity - The Spice of Life? The conference was both well attended and well received, and a report will appear on the website in November. However we did have some excellent speakers who clearly showed that there is an appetite for promoting Dignity and the work of Champions more widely. It was very clear from this first conference that there was a will to ensure the Dignity in Care campaign is successful - 50,000 champions has to have an impact and the delegates were very keen to have the opportunity to connect with other champions to share, learn and influence quality care practices. The conference was a real success, and we look forward to future year's events.
The speakers presentations (opens new window) are available on the website.
Alongside the Champions badges we now have wristbands available. These are blue with the our strapline in red and cost the same as badges. It is also possible to request the Dignity Do cards for wider dissemination. We will supply these for free alongside requests for badges/ wristbands. Additional copies will be available at a nominal cost of 10p each.
Our AGM is due to be held in November and our next Newsletter will contain information about the outcome of that meeting.