National Dignity Council - Reflections on 2021
In reflecting on the past year we are sure that we all hoped that following the lock downs of 2020 and the development of the vaccine, we would be closer to normality than we now are. The pandemic has certainly posed challenges in all sorts of ways.
- How do we continue to deliver services that are respectful and dignified whilst adhering to social distancing requirements?
- How can we work effectively with our service users and their families whilst maintaining safety and protecting those in our communities who are vulnerable?
- How do we ensure that quality of life is not diminished and that individuals continue to have stimulating and entertaining experiences?
- How do we keep our own energy levels up when we are unable to have meaningful ‘downtime’?
These are just some of the questions that we have needed to answer over the last eighteen months.
Yet we have been inspired by the creativity, imagination and thoughtfulness of many of our champions. Some have shared their stories on our Facebook page (opens new window), some have shared support through the Discussion Forum and others have shared their thinking at our web events.
The learning that we have all achieved over the past year has been tremendous; and the one consistent message in everything we have heard has been the ongoing commitment and dedication to ensure that Dignity, Kindness, Compassion and Respect remain absolutely central to all you do.
The National Dignity Council Trustees sincerely hope that you have a chance to spend quality time with those who are precious to you in the coming weeks, and that 2022 will bring the opportunity to consolidate, reflect and build on all that we has been achieved in 2021.