National Dignity Council - Trustee Activity
The AGM saw two of our Trustees, Susan Brand and Kelly Campbell, resign due to pressure of other commitments our thanks go to them for their dedication and commitment to the campaign, however this means that once again the work falls on a small group of people, all of whom are volunteers and involved in either full time work or other activities alongside their commitment to the Dignity Campaign. We were pleased to welcome Lesley Flatley as a Trustee and she is taking forward the portfolio around supporting champions with practical solutions for those working on the frontline in social care.
We are however seeking new Trustees and would particularly welcome expressions of interest from those who have a health, mental health or marketing and PR background. This would both increase the numbers of Trustees to a healthier level and ensure that our approach to Dignity is responsive and well rounded.
Since the last newsletter Jan Burns MBE has continued to represent the campaign and the Council on key groups including, Quality Matters, and the CQC Provider Forum, presenting for the Academy of Fabulous NHS Stuff, Fab21 as well as maintaining links with our colleagues in Residential and Health Care.
Roisin Burton has represented the Campaign at a forum looking at the RESPECT agenda hosted by Warwick University, and an LSE group looking at health and social care issues, as well as continuing her links with the Equality and Human Rights Commission. The RESPECT agenda is one that has very practical implications for working in a dignified manner and ensuring that the individual remains central to all discussions. It is clear that there is a role for Champions in ensuring that Dignity remains central to the agenda.
Clare Copleston has been applying for grants and ensuring that Dignity remains high on the agenda locally. Her role as Mayor has given a real opportunity and she is ensuring that she maximises the profile of dignity during her tenure of office. Clare has a portfolio of raising the dignity agenda through engaging with younger people. She has also been looking into the possibility of delivering ‘Pod Casts’
Lesley Flatley and her colleagues at Davlyn House have produced the Dignity Cruise Calendar which you will have already seen; and we know that many of you are finding this extremely useful. Although we did get the Calendar sponsored by Spectrum, Lesley and her team put a tremendous amount of work into the project and we would encourage you to make a donation if you find the resources useful. {and it’s difficult to see how you wouldn’t they are so good]. Link to calendar
Rekha Elaswarapu one of our longest standing trustees has represented the Council at the International Longevity Centre Conference in the autumn, and spoke about the importance of dignity in relation to equality and diversity.