National Dignity Council members Christmas update

The National Dignity Council members are actively involved in a number of areas promoting the Dignity Campaign:

Quality Matters Implementation

Jan Burns our chair, attended a Board meeting at the Department of Health on the 7th December. The focus of this meeting, was on Objective 1 - Complaints, Feedback, Compliments etc….  following discussions amendments will be made to the docs we received relating to this Objective.  The intention is to focus on actions from each objective at a time.  There was a good presentation from Lincoln who are spearheading the implementation of Quality Matters. They sought approval from all stakeholders to publicise QM through our websites and all communications.  DH are charged with looking at how to support a consistent approach to Communications.


The Council continues to be represented through Jan and Frank  on CQC – Co-production meetings, which have considered feedback about the inspection process and subsequently adapted processes that will reflect the importance of quality in the services provided.

Presentations and talks

Rekha Elaswarapu –continues to speak at conferences and makes Dignity a significant part of her presentations.

Alan Clarke- did a presentation to the Colchester Deanery Synod,  the information he presented will be shared across Deanery.  He has also arranged for the relevant person to take the same information to the Chelmsford diocese. Alan was thanked for agreeing to represent the Council at the National Care Association event at the House of Commons. 

Aviva bid

Thank you to everyone who voted for us in our bid to Aviva, although we did get over 1000 votes but didn’t get through to the next stage.   .

Dignity networks

Jan Burns attended the North West Dignity network, which was positive, but alerted her to the fact that we need ensure we are connected more closely with our dignity networks. If you lead a network do make contact – let us know what you are doing to promote dignity – put an item in the next newsletter.

Dignity and Personalised Care

Jan has contributed to the script of a new learning resource ‘Dignity and Personalised Care’. This is being created and directed by the Age Care Channel – she is hoping to be  filming the end of January.  Watch this space for more.