National End of Life Care Programme
The National End of Life Care Programme launched its Social Care Framework, 'Supporting people to live and die well: a framework for social care at the end of life', in July 2010 (to download the framework go to, or request a hard copy from Roll-out of the framework is taking place through 9 Regional Roadshows, the first of which took place in the North-west in October. Due to the popularity of this event, a second will be organised in March 2011, date to be confirmed. Dates in the other regions are as follows:
Yorkshire and the Humber - 3 December
East of England - 16 December
East Midlands - 11 January
South West - late January 2011 (date to be confirmed)
South East - 15 February 2011
West Midlands - 2011 date to be confirmed
North East - 2011 date to be confirmed
Eight test-site projects have recently been commissioned to support the development and dissemination of good practice in social care at the end of life.
Further information on the road shows and test sites will be published on
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