News from Champions

Dancing for Dignity

We wish to acknowledge and thank all those who have already participated in Dancing for Dignity.

Clearly the choice of Agadoo as the theme song gave many of you the chance to dress up and really get involved. There have been lots of posts on Facebook and the one thing that has come across is the amount of fun that you have all had.

Thank you to those who also raised funds for us as part of the process, your donations are what enable us to keep the website operating and continue to develop our range of resources.

You can see more on both FaceBook (opens new window) and on the memory page on the website.


Jan Burns MBE, Lesley Flatley and Liz Taylor also met with CQC to discuss the new handbook that is being developed by CQC.  It was good to have the opportunity to voice some of the concerns that champions have raised with us about the existing publications and to share some ideas about how the new version might better meet the needs of both providers and users of services.

Davlyn House

Davlyn House have been entertaining the animal kingdom recently.  A charming Shetland pony with a mane that would make any hairdresser proud wanders onto their grounds.  They suspect that it was making the most of their delicious flower beds, or perhaps it was the yummy quiche on offer.  

Not to be outdone the resident pig gave birth. The little piglets arrived squealing and snorting their way into the hearts of everyone.  Watching them stumble about the care home has been a highlight for everyone.