News from Champions - Autumn 2023
18th October saw our AGM and latest web-event take place. At the AGM the Annual Report (opens new window) was approved and reflected the excellent year of activity in the 2022 to 2023 period. It was very satisfying to reflect on the fact that despite the continuing impacts of the pandemic and the busy lives of our Champions, Dignity remains high on the agenda and very many of you are finding innovative and imaginative ways to enhance and improve the lives and experiences of those you support. Lesley Flatley and Roisin Burton were appointed as Joint Chair for the forthcoming year and Alan Clark MBE and Roisin Burton were re-appointed as Trustees. Alex Lewney who joined the Council during the year was confirmed as a Trustee and we look forward to welcoming new Trustees in the next twelve months. Clare Copleston has decided to stand down as a Trustee, feeling that the pressure of work currently prevents her from giving the commitment that she would wish. Her enthusiasm and commitment to all things dignified will be missed, but we know she will continue to promote the Campaign wherever possible. Hopefully she will be able to rejoin us at some point in the future. The full minutes of the AGM can be found here.
The web-event that followed the AGM was a very wide-ranging discussion about Dignity and how whilst the concept is easy there are times when it isn’t always easy to put into practice. Either life or feelings get in the way of individuals behaving in the ways they would wish, and that demonstrates their commitment to and understanding of the principles. There was also discussion about the situation experienced by the increasing numbers of older adults who do not have children who can assist with their care and support needs, be that because of their decisions not to have families, or other factors. This led on to a discussion about the situation of those from the LGBTQ+ community and the sometimes-incredible lack of understanding of their needs and experiences. It was felt that this could form the basis of a future web event, so what this space for more details. The recording of this part of the AGM can be found here (opens new window).
Next event
Our next web event will be on 1st February 2024 [Dignity Action Day] and will be around the theme of “Making the Invisible Visible”. Many individuals do not feel empowered to make their voices heard and as such are in danger of having a less than dignified experience of life. This webinar will focus on ways in which we can bring dignity into their life experiences. Save the date and more details will be available in the new year.
Our Chief Executive Officer Jan Burns MBE has continued to represent the Campaign in a number of Forums. Of special note have been the links with CQC where work continues to incorporate Dignity into the Inspection process and Quality Standards and Statements. She has also undertaken speaking engagements for The Kings Fund, [on Dignity and Dementia] and Medway Council, [on the role of Dignity in service delivery], it is wonderful to note that Medway have incorporated the 10 Dignity Do’s into their tender process, thus ensuring that Dignity is at the heart of all they commission.
Other members of the Council have continued to support The Great British Care Awards, particularly within the Learning Disability and Neuro Divergence sector.
New product
Members of the Council have also been working on a new product for the Council which should be available soon. The Jar of Hearts, this is a way of aiding organisations recognition the daily contribution of their staff in enhancing the life experiences of both their staff and those whom they support. At the moment the final touches are being put to the idea so watch out for more details in the next few weeks.
Join us
We are always looking for people to join the Board of Trustees and it was wonderful to welcome a potential new Trustee to the meeting. Amanda Cain. We will introduce you to her properly in our next newsletter.