October - Dancing for Dignity month

October marks Dancing for Dignity Month, each year this marks our major fundraising activity with services and individuals raising funds for the Campaign whilst having fun dancing.


This year we thought it would be an idea to have everyone incorporate one dance into their activity and we are suggesting Agadoo Doing it for Dignity as a possibility.

We have chosen this because it can be accessible to all, you can do it sitting or standing, or indeed moving around, and if you only do it for a couple of minutes even the most unfit of us [and that it includes our Honorary Secretary Liz} should be able to manage it. 


You can find more information about Dancing for Dignity on our website where you can download resources as well.

Add your activity to our website

If you are getting involved please remember to enter your activity on our Map and if you are able upload pictures and information about your event to our Memory page afterwards. 

Your donations help

The costs of ensuring that the Campaign maintains its momentum are rising year on year and we don’t receive any support from Government, so are really reliant on your donations to keep going.