Patient Survey Reports Published
79% of patients say they were "always" treated with respect and dignity"
It is a positive outcome for us to see that in our third year of the Dignity in Care campaign the percentage of patients who said they were always treated with dignity and respect whilst in hospital has increased from 78% in 2007/08 to 79% in 2008/09. A small but statistically significant increase. More people are aware of the importance of Dignity in Care, which is one of the main aims of the campaign and the survey results demonstrate that Dignity is still very much at the heart of the NHS.
The Next Stage Review "High quality care for all" defined quality in the NHS as having three elements, one of which was patient experience (together with safety and effectiveness) which includes dignity and compassion.
The new NHS Constitution was published in January 2009 and includes the right for all patients to be treated with dignity and respect
Other indicators of dignity and respect:
- Patients given enough privacy when being examined or treated, both in the Emergency Department and on hospital wards, and when discussing their condition or treatment on the ward
No change
- Doctors and nurses talking in front of patients as if they weren't there