Person-Centred Services : The Dignity in Care Challenge Eastern Conference - 3 February 2010
Regional Conference, Wednesday 3 February 2010, Hilton Hotel, Stansted Airport. We are delighted to invite you to attend this important conference in the Eastern Region, designed to raise awareness about why Dignity in Care matters and facilitate discussion on dignity issues in key policy areas across health and social care and housing.
This conference is designed to be of particular value and interest to:
- People responsible for delivering, commissioning and setting standards of personal care in Day Services, at home, in Residential Care and in Hospitals
- People working in Dementia services
- People working in Learning Disability services
- People working in Mental Health services
- Leaders and Champions and family carers who, regardless of position, promote dignity good practice and challenge poor practice
- Public and Patient Engagement leads, Quality managers, workforce leads, HR and training managers,
- Trust Board members, Councillors, LINks members
- Directors of Adult Social Care, NHS Chief Executives, Housing with Care managers
You are invited to book your place and view the Programme for the day by visiting If you need any further information, or would like us to register your name, please contact Jane Ross on (01223) 597589 or
The conference is free of charge to those attending. Please note that participation at this conference is limited to 150 places so early booking is recommended.