Productive series - new resource for NHS on privacy and dignity
The NHS Institute has launched The Productive Series: 'Privacy, Dignity and Same-Sex Accommodation' supplement pack.
Same-sex accommodation sits at the heart of providing care with privacy and dignity. It highlights the need for patients not to have to share sleeping, toilet or washing facilities with members of the opposite sex. The 'Privacy, dignity and same-sex accommodation' supplements from The Productive Series are designed to help NHS teams to ensure they are meeting this important patient need as part of their Productive work.
The new Priority Focus supplements have been developed to complement the existing Productive Series and include key principles for delivering same-sex accommodation. The supplements follow the same methodology and approach used in Productive programmes and provide improvement tools and case studies to help NHS teams to deliver same-sex accommodation at the highest possible standards for their patients.
The supplement packs will be distributed to all NHS organisations who have previously received a Productive programme box set. They can also be ordered free of charge from the NHS Institute website.
Further information about delivering same-sex accommodation and other tools available can also be found on the Institute's website.