SCIE's the limit on the Dignity Factors
"When new staff start, they always say what their name is and ask me what I like to be called. It's a small thing but I appreciate it."
People's choice about how and where they die is very important to them, and maintaining control for as long as possible is key to maintaining dignity. The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) has updated its popular Dignity in Care guide to include new information for care managers and their staff on pain management and supporting people at the end of their life.
The updated guide offers simple, practical tips for managers and frontline staff, as well as updated and expanded examples of what other services are doing to improve dignity in care. The online guide has also been restructured and redesigned to make it more user-friendly and includes new features such as simple handouts which managers can print out for their staff.
Key topics covered include
· Communication
· personal hygiene
· eating and nutritional care
· practical assistance
· privacy
· pain management
· specialist care including: end of life care; and mental health care.
Paul Burstow MP, Care Services Minister, says: "Dignity must be at the heart of care. Part of this is giving staff the tools and support needed to change. This new guidance offers practical advice on the day-to-day activities that can make a real difference to those being cared for."
SCIE's Director of Adult Services David Walden says: "The Dignity and Care guide offers a much needed support guide for care workers on this extremely important issue. It has been developed based on what people who use services have said about why dignity is important, and what supports or threatens their dignity."
As well as information and practical advice for carers, the website also includes advice on countering abuse and making complaints.
We encourage all Dignity Champions to visit the site and see how they can use it to help them make a difference.