The National Dignity Council responds to the CQC's Time to listen in NHS hospitals and care homes: Dignity and nutrition inspection reports
The National Dignity Council welcomes the follow up reviews from the CQC into the care provided to older people in NHS hospitals and care homes. The reviews focus on whether people are treated with dignity and receive the nutrition they require.
When comparing the results of the CQC's 2011 review, broadly more hospitals were meeting people's nutritional needs, but fewer were meeting the standards for privacy and dignity. In care homes, two-thirds met all the checked standards, including nutritional needs, skilled staff, protection from abuse and accurate record-keeping. The CQC states that, "However it is unacceptable that too many people living in care homes are not experiencing this level of care", and for both reports, "Where our inspectors found problems, there were some common failings. Many of these issues arise from cultures of care that put tasks before people".
The CQC reviews highlight "what worked well" in the hope that, "All hospitals and care home providers can and should learn from each other...".
The National Dignity Council Chair, Jan Burns said,
"I represented the Council at the National Association of Care Catering last Thursday and it was strongly agreed that if the Council's 10 Point Dignity Challenge was put into practice by people with a compassionate attitude, there would be an improvement in the quality of service people receive. The Dignity in Care network has well over 45,000 Dignity Champions nationwide signed up to commit to good practice and inspire everyone to promote dignity in all they do."
The Dignity in Care network's 10 point Dignity challenge aligns with the CQC findings of what worked well. The 10 Point Dignity challenge highlights values and actions that promote good practice in promoting dignity in care, namely:
- Have a zero tolerance of all forms of abuse
- Support people with the same respect you would want for yourself or a member of your family
- Treat each person as an individual by offering a personalised service
- Enable people to maintain the maximum possible level of independence, choice and control
- Listen and support people to express their needs and wants
- Respect people's right to privacy
- Ensure people feel able to complain without fear of retribution
- Engage with family members and carers as care partners
- Assist people to maintain confidence and positive self-esteem
- Act to alleviate people's loneliness and isolation.
The National Dignity Council and Dignity Champions campaign to promote awareness of these 10 points to everyone connected with health and social care. Champions are committed to the Council's mission of putting dignity in the heart, mind and actions.
Find our more and sign up to become a Dignity in Care Champion.
Media contacts:
Jan Burns - Independent Chair, National Dignity Council
T: 07800 807 151 e:
Liz Taylor - Secretary, National Dignity Council
Jill Fraser - Spokesperson and member, National Dignity Council
T: 01789 488018 e:
Notes to editors:
What is a Dignity Champion?
A Dignity Champion is someone who believes passionately that being treated with dignity is a basic human right, not an optional extra. They believe that all care must be compassionate, person-centred, as well as efficient, and are willing to do something to achieve this. So far, over 45,000 people have signed up to be Dignity Champions, all pledging to challenge poor care, to act as good role models and, through specific guidelines issued by the campaign, to educate and inform all those working around them.
About The National Dignity Council
Formerly known as The Dignity Partnership Board, the National Dignity Council currently meets every two months to shape and influence the work of the Dignity in Care Network, and to campaign and support Dignity Champions. The Council is made up of an enthusiastic group of representatives from various bodies including Health and Social Care organisations.