The awareness and attractiveness of Occupational Health (OH) careers
Kings College London Survey
Exploring the awareness and attractiveness of Occupational Health (OH) careers: perspectives of trainee doctors, nurses, OH trainees, OH career leavers
Would you be interested in taking part in this study?
We are exploring the awareness and attractiveness of Occupational Health (OH) careers.
- Are you a trainee doctor or nurse considering career options?
- Are you a qualified doctor or nurse currently undertaking OH training?
- Have you recently retired or left the OH profession?
We would like to talk to different people about factors affecting career pathway decisions.
Interviews would last up to an hour and you would receive a voucher for £20 as a thank you for taking part.
Please get in touch with researcher, Caroline Norrie (opens new window), if you would like more information or to take part – (opens new window)
Project details on (opens new window)