Vetting and Barring Scheme New Guidance
The Vetting and Barring Scheme aims to prevent unsuitable people from undertaking certain paid or volunteer work with children or vulnerable adults ('regulated activity'). It will do this by vetting all those who wish to do such work with vulnerable groups and barring those where the information shows they pose a risk of harm and (in due course) vetting those who wish to do certain other types of work ('controlled activity').
The Vetting and Barring Scheme was launched on 12 October 2009 when some key safeguards and legal duties came into effect. Since that date:
- You must not knowingly employ in regulated activity, or use as a volunteer, a barred person.
- If you employ people or use volunteers in regulated activity or controlled activity and subsequently dismiss or cease using them because you think they have harmed or pose a risk of harm to children or vulnerable adults, you must refer the case to the ISA
- If you yourself are barred from regulated activity with either children or vulnerable adults you must not work, or seek to work, in regulated activity with that group.
- The old lists of people barred from working with children or vulnerable adults in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are being phased out and replaced by two new lists: the ISA Adults' Barred List and the ISA Children's Barred List.
To read the full guidance use the link below.