Webinars: The Next Web Seminar on Tuesday 9 February at 9:00am
The DSSA Programme has been continuing to provide support to Dignity Champions and health and care organisations in delivering same-sex accommodation. Feedback from the Patient and Staff Conversation Events held back in October highlighted that Dignity Champions would value the opportunity for more sharing and collaboration.
The Programme thought that a useful way to meet this need would be via the establishment of action learning sets to enable Dignity Champions to learn from and coach one another on how to improve.
Progress So Far
The Programme has delivered a series of taster sessions on action learning in order to establish if Strategic Health Authorities and Regions would find them a useful development forum to address issues relating to same-sex accommodation.
As a result of the sessions, 3 Regions so far (South Central, Yorkshire & Humber and East of England) have volunteered to host a series of action learning sets to look at issues relating to dignity with a specific focus on same-sex accommodation.
The Programme will be providing the initial support required in terms of training and establishing the sets,
with the on-going facilitation of the set being taken forward by willing volunteers from the SHA and/or Region.
Following the success of the first webinar held in December on "Patient Experience," a second in the series has now been scheduled for Tuesday 9 February at 9:00am. The topics that will be covered are
- Same-sex accommodation Definitions
- Peer Reviews
The webinar will provide participants with the opportunity to hear first-hand experience of working on these two issues and to share their own learning.
How to Participate
If you wish to participate, please forward your details to dssa@dh.gsi.gov.uk so that we can send an invite to you. Joining in is easy and all you need is access to a phone and a computer with internet explorer.