Would You Know?
Led by North West Dignity Leads, funded by Skills for Care.
As part of this project we are inviting care workers to discussion workshops
across the North West, so you have the chance to talk about any worries,
what ideas you have, and what you think and feel when talking about abuse.
Workshops will be informal, friendly, and facilitated by Fraser from KETSO.
Your discussions, plus info from our survey and focus groups, will help form an online support toolkit that you will be able to access anytime, via PC, tablet or smart phone.
These workshops aren't 'training' - we want to hear what you do, think and feel.
Care workers are a really important part of keeping people safe, without you, older people and those living with dementia would be even more vulnerable.
If you would like to attend one of the workshops below, you can RSVP quickly
at http://www.wouldyouknow.org.uk/what-do-you-think.html
or email us project@wouldyouknow.org.uk