Yorkshire and Humber 'Prioritising Dignity in 2010'
Using improvement and innovation to get to grips with the issues. The Regional Dignity Team would like to invite you to join us on Thursday the 28th of January at the Leeds Hilton.
We hope by joining us on this day you will feel more confident, supported and capable of meeting the challenges you choose to take up. A lovely lunch will be provided and if you are a dignity champion in a non-professional role we will pay all reasonable expenses.
Aims of the day:
- Discuss the top three issues for Dignity
- Look at what leads to these situations in real life
- Learn new ways to tackle these issues using improvement tools
- Make action plans to solve the issues
The closing date to register your attendance is 12th January 2010. Please note that places are limited: If you would like to attend this event please return the attached booking form to Mary Donohoe via:
- E-mail - mary.donohoe@yhip.org.uk
- On-line - www.yhip.org.uk/resources/events/
- Phone - 01904 717266
- Post - Mary Donohoe,
Yorkshire and Humber Improvement Partnership,
Genesis 5 Innovation Way,
YO10 5DQ
If you are unable to attend this event please notify us as soon as possible so we can offer your place to somebody else.