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Personal preferences around receiving personal support from the opposite sex. 4 posts
‘Not much point in me going on Twitter saying something that isn't the law!’ 2 posts
Mike’s Cheeky Blog: the BBC Radio 4 broadcasts about ‘Mr C’. 2 posts
The Anne, David and Dr Jones scenario - who is deciding what in this scenario ? 20 posts
Has anyone come across any ‘MCA section 4(7)(a) statement forms’ online? 1 post
Two Surveys which might be of interest re some chats on Twitter: topics CPR and ADRTs 3 posts
Markers and Timelines for End of Life Reconsidered: an attempt to bring order to chaos 14 posts
Collaborative Care amounts to 'more diffuse' and the NHS struggles with that. 1 post
A brief comment about the Charlie Gard court ruling 5 posts
A paper by Kitzinger et al about the Briggs ruling and MCA best-interests is well worth reading: and my 'but if you were a welfare attorney' analytical 'trick/tool'. 2 posts
12 yr old dyslexia boy 5 posts
That dying Sontaran in Dr Who 4 posts
My Survey of Hospitals in 2014 about an aspect of their DNACPR Forms 1 post
End of Life Decision Making a Personal Perspective by Mike Stone July 2016 2 posts
Dignity and Homeless! 4 posts
Talking to my town clerk! 13 posts
'Where to start thinking about the Mental Capacity Act' in PDF form 1 post
My differences with clinicians over the Mental Capacity Act hinge on 'who can claim compliance with section 4(9) ?' 2 posts
I believe that Advance Decisions should be encouraged but that 'advance statements' should be discouraged 2 posts
Are 999 Paramedics or Family Carers the better-placed to make best-interests decisions during end-of-life? 3 posts