A Policy of neglect

gordon marshall 02/06/10 Dignity Champions forum

At the residential care home my dear mother resides at the carers are used as kitchen staff at mealtimes. Their duties include washing up and clearing the cutlery and tidying the dining room afterwards.

Surely as they are trained and qualified carers they should be focusing on helping the residents who need assistance with eating their meals on a one to one basis. They do assist for a certain amount of time but it is nowhere near enough. If this is as I suspect a cost saving exercise by the company that owns the home it is in my opinion shameful and the practice should be stopped as it probably exists in many homes.

I would be very grateful if champions could let me know their opinion on this issue as I intend to raise it at my dear mother's annual review.

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Tracey Powell 02/06/10

This happens in many homes and yes to save money, I work as an N.v.q. Assessor and feel just the same way you do .You need to be your Mums voice and complain as many families are afraid to do so.
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Emma Wade 03/06/10

I think this may happen in a lot of homes but not ALL homes. When i worked
as a carer in a very good nursing home the care staff were not allowed in
the kitchen area. The home had staff that worked in the kitchen, we did not
do each others jobs, health and safety for one reason, hygiene reasons for

I also think you need to speak up, those care staff will of been taking
patients to the toilet etc and then working in a kitchen!!!