An Important Consultation about healthcare staff raising concerns has been published - I would URGE people to respond to it

mike stone 19/11/15 Dignity Champions forum

There is a consultation now open, about the proposed NHS Whistleblowing Policy.

The consultation wants responses from people who work inside the NHS, and you can find it at:

The deadline for responses is 8 January 2016.

I am not the target of this consultation, so I have only very briefly scanned parts of it (although I do have a comment, I will be sending to the consultation team) - but, compared to certain consultations, this one seems to be very clear, and it would not be difficult to respond to it.

So I would urge anybody who works in the NHS, and has got any concerns or views about how 'concerns' should be raised with, and handled by, NHS organisations/employers, to send a response to this consultation,

Mike Stone

I assume the link should work. If it doesn't, the consultation document is detailed as:

Monitor publication code: IRG 34/15
NHS England Publications Gateway Reference: 04270

So a websearch for either of those, ought to find it - the document is titled:

Freedom to speak up:
whistleblowing policy for the NHS
Draft for consultation

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Jan Burns 20/11/15

Ive posted this to Facebook dignity in action page. Thanks as Mike.

graham anthony carter 21/11/15

hi mike
i have as you know raised concerns .about the treatment of service users .the abusers have got together and made up a pack of lies about me .the company have ignored my concerns one of my concerns involves the abuse by neglect of a service user.who will never walk again.becuse of it .the company has desmissed me i am now out of work .well the abusers are still working having sorted the whistle blower .or so they think
regards g a carter

mike stone 23/11/15

Hi Graham,

That - your own experience - is why it is so important, that the right 'whistleblowing policy' is introduced, and why people need to respond to the consultation,

Best wishes, Mike