Awaremess of Dignity Campaign

Old forum user 28/04/10 Dignity Champions forum

Dear Monica

It's me again! Hope you are well and have been enjoying the lovely sunshine.

My sister and I prepared our presentations for the nurses on geriatric wards and gave a preview to the Practice Development Nurse, Tina, last week. She asked for a few alterations (eg. geriatric became COTE) but agreed it all. The reason I am writing to you before the actual presentation (to ward sisters and deputies) on May 14, is that we were pleasantly surprised at her reaction to a short video we made. She was in tears at the end of it and it got us thinking it may be something that may benefit the Dignity Campaign as a whole, i.e. give it a bigger profile.

We made up the video of photos of nurses (anonymous from mags) and ourselves and Mum (even Dad gets a look in), but the main reason for her tears was the song that we sang with it. We used the tune "No Matter What" (Boyzone hit, composed by A. Lloyd Webber)) but put some new words to it. It was my sister, Hazel's idea originally but her voice was croaky on the day of recording and she joined it when able.

Do you think it is something you could use in the campaign? I don't mean this particular one but similar. Do you think Amanda Waring would be interested in putting something similar together? Anyway, it's just a suggestion which I thought you may find useful, I have sent the words and pictures used in video as an attachment - sending the video would probably paralyse your computer!

I shall be away on holiday from 15 May but will let you know how the "presentation proper" went as soon as I get back.

Best Wishes


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Teresa Brotherton 29/04/10

Ahhhh - lovely pictures and words. Can you make one up for Radiographers?!

Old forum user 02/05/10

Could I please request anyone who would like to use the words we have put to the "No Matter What" tune, first contacts me for permission. This is purely because we currently intend to use them for our presentations at various hospitals.
If Teresa is serious, we would love to be involved with writing more lyrics for other ventures.

Elsie Snowdin 03/05/10

Hi folks,

Just one small thing comes to mind. If using someone else's music would there be a problem with copyright or performing rights issues. I am not too sure might throw up some hidden expense, maybe??? which I doubt would be welcome for an organisation already probably strapped for cash. Forgive me if I am barking up the wrong tree.

Old forum user 04/05/10

Quite right, it was the first thing that came into our minds and we spent hours trying to find how to contact Andrew Lloyd Webber. Does anybody know his address, e-mail etc?

Lorraine Morgan 04/05/10

He will have a parliament address as he is a Lord.

Try Westminister althought you may find it a bit quite at the moment as they are all in purdor!!



Lorraine Morgan
Health, Nursing and Social Care
Iechyd, Nyrsio a Gofal Cymdeithasol

The Open University in Wales
Y Brifysgol Agored yng Nghymru

18 Custom House Street, Cardiff
18 Heol y Tollty, Caerdydd

Tel: 029 20 471019 (switchboard)
Tel: 029 20 262760 (direct line)
Mobile: 07 827 895 862

Mac McKechnie 06/05/10

I think the issue of copy right is important, and I believe permissions
are granted not so much by the individuals, but normally I think it's an
organisation called "Performing Rights Society"
Good Luck,

Kay Hobday 20/05/10

Try contacting the performing Rights Society - they are responsible for collecting royalties on behalf of copyright owners - just google them to get a contact number or address